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{{ price | currency }}
Turnaround{{ delivery }}
All prices and delivery times are approximate. Minimum charge HK$150.
We accept direct bank transfers, ATM transfers, PayPal, PayMe, all major credit cards, and cheques.
{{ price | currency }}
Turnaround{{ delivery }}
All prices and delivery times are approximate. Minimum charge HK$150.
We accept direct bank transfers, ATM transfers, PayPal, PayMe, all major credit cards, and cheques.
For any piece of writing, it is essential that it is clear, concise, and accurate. Our team of meticulous proofreaders will make sure that your grammar, vocabulary, and punctuation is polished to the highest standard.
Standard Editing checks for spelling and grammatical errors as well as logic, clarity, and word usage. In addition, we will also make suggestions for enhancing your writing, as well as highlight anything that might be unclear.
Advanced Editing covers all aspects of Standard Editing and Proofreading. We look to improve the flow of text and will suggest re-writes if more extensive changes are required. We also aim to strengthen your writing by commenting on areas we feel could be refined.
Whether you are trying to get your message across online or in print, we will work closely with you to create, improve, and refine your advertising or marketing material. EES will raise your brand’s awareness by creating remarkable content that will say what you want and how you want it said.
Ensuring that your message is accurately translated is crucial. Our qualified translators use their vast knowledge and expertise to make sure that your document is translated to the highest possible standard.
We offer fast and accurate audio/video transcription, with the option for various custom add-ons, such as time-coding, speaker changes, full verbatim, etc. Our tailored transcript formats are designed to suit your requirements. Please contact us for more details.
Phone: +852 9244-8900
Room 1104, 11/F, Crawford House,
70 Queen’s Road, Central, Hong Kong.