write Pro emails in 5 easy steps

Writing emails is something that you will likely have to do throughout your career. Therefore, getting this right is essential if you want to sound more professional and get others to read your emails. Whether you are communicating with colleagues or trying to secure an important business deal, you want your messages to be well crafted and clear. To get you started on this journey of improvement, our editors have put together some great tips for mastering this powerful skill.

1. Simplicity is key
First impressions can go a long way when putting together an email, so it’s important to have a clear plan of what you want to say. Being well organized will also help to save precious time and energy for other important tasks throughout your day. Consider adding bullet points for important items, as this will save time for everyone and offer a clear representation of your intent. I’m certain that most of us would shudder at having to read a long-winded email that requires pen and paper to write down the key points.

2. Proofread your emails
This is quite an obvious step, but you would be surprised at how many people avoid proofreading their emails to save time. If the receiver finds clumsy spelling mistakes or grammatical errors in your email, it could make you seem incompetent or even spell disaster for the overall reputation of a business. To avoid the temptation of sending a rushed email, consider adding the recipient’s address at the very end, once you have written and edited that actual email.  

3. Show your kindness
Adding a personal touch to your email helps to soften the overall tone of your message. In fact, trying to sound overly professional can at times make you seem robotic or cold. Therefore, we suggest showing your compassion by opening with something friendly. By doing so, you are able to have a more personal connection with the person on the other end of the email. This suggestion works best when you already have a solid business relationship with the recipient.

4. Get to the point
Being concise in your emails requires more than just editing and proofreading. First of all, you must grab the reader’s attention with a punchy subject line. This crucial step acts as a preview of what to expect in the rest of the email. However, it is vital that your subject line is written as clearly as possible, which will increase the likelihood of the recipient actually reading the entire email.   

5. Timing is everything
Out of sight, out of mind is not always the best solution when responding to an email. From the client’s perspective, a delayed response might suggest that you don’t value their business or have poor organizational skills. If the email is simple, a quick response is the best option as it avoids the potential of forgetting to reply. Anything complex may not require immediate action, but it is still worth acknowledging the email and explaining that you will get back to them shortly with a reply. 

These are just a handful of tips that should help to improve your emails. As copywriters and editors in Hong Kong, we have worked closely with many clients to ensure that their written content is presented clearly and professionally. If you would like more information on how we can help you, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us.

- EES Staff